Our Story

Our Journey: From Ocean Depths to Sustainable Style

Once upon a time, amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Philippines and Indonesia, I embarked on a journey that would reshape not only my perspective but the very fabric of my future. As I explored the mesmerizing depths of the ocean through scuba diving, what should have been a sanctuary of marine wonders unveiled a stark reality – plastic bottles and coconut shells littering the once-pristine beaches and seas.

The heart-wrenching sight of marine life entangled in plastic waste ignited a passion within me to make a difference. I witnessed sea turtles and other creatures trapped in the debris of our disposable culture. It was a call to action, a plea to be part of the solution rather than contributing to the problem.

And so, the vision for our brand was born.

The Genesis of Conscious Fashion:

Driven by a desire to transform the devastation I witnessed into positive change, our brand emerged as a beacon of hope in the world of fashion. Rooted in the belief that style should not come at the expense of our planet, we set out to redefine the industry's norms.

The Birth of Sustainable Style:

Our commitment to sustainability took shape with the decision to use recycled plastic bottles and upcycled coconut shells as the foundation for our fabrics. Each thread weaved into our garments tells a story of renewal, turning the remnants of our disposable culture into a symbol of resilience and rebirth.

Men's and Women's Shorts: A Statement of Purpose:

Our inaugural product, the Men's and Women's Shorts, represents not only a commitment to fashion but a dedication to the oceans and the life they cradle. With hidden zipper pockets, elastic waistbands, and comfortable liners, these shorts epitomize the perfect blend of style, functionality, and sustainability.

A Movement, Not Just a Brand:

Beyond clothing, we aim to spark a movement. A movement that challenges the status quo, embraces conscious choices, and empowers individuals to be catalysts for change. By adorning our garments, you become a part of this movement, a symbol of resilience against the tide of environmental degradation.

Join Us on the Journey:

As we unveil our brand to the world, we invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Let our clothing be a statement of your commitment to a cleaner, greener future. Together, we can rewrite the narrative of fashion, turning it into a force for positive change—one recycled bottle and upcycled coconut at a time.

This is more than a brand; it's a story of awakening, transformation, and a promise to tread lightly on the Earth while making a bold statement through sustainable style. Welcome to a new era of fashion. Welcome to our journey.